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“Being able to read quickly, efficiently and most importantly
with understanding are key to undergraduate life. I commend James Abela
for making the effort to encourage students to do this.”
Ooi Chee Kok, President
Taylor’s University College
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"Reading is an important and necessary skill, because it allows you to go on learning and finding useful information on your own. Contrary to what is widely considered, it is not an easy skill to acquire. Being able to read fast and at the same time thoroughly comprehend what we are reading, takes a lot of practice and time.
This book provides the reader with a lot of tips to shorten this process and make it easier. The author is an experienced trainer who knows what problems inexperienced readers may encounter. For that reason, the book provides a succinct and easy to read guide to solve all the problems they may encounter.
To say that the book is aimed only at inexperienced readers would be an oversimplification. Experienced readers will find lots of interesting things too. The book gives a lot of information and ideas on how to use new technologies. People who are used to reading books and newspapers may not be familiar with online Speed Reading techniques.
Finally, I believe that the book is a great tool for foreign language students. I am an English as a foreign language teacher in Argentina, so that is my main concern. Students find it quite difficult to be able to read quickly and understand at the same time in a foreign language. Most of the ideas expressed in this book are ideas that are useful for language learners too.
I think that the main advantages of this book are that it is compact,
precise, didactic and to the point."
Sabrina De Vita
English Teacher
Challenge Institute of Language and Technology
Buenos Aires, Argetina
"In an age where tv, dvd, cinema and playstations have taken over the world of our youth it was really refreshing to see a progressive, instructive and to the point book to open up the world of reading.
UK schools have had Government initiatives in Literacy Hour, the teaching of phonics, the Harry Potter infuence to help boys especially become more interested in reading, but very little in using the reading skill to it's full potential.
This book will not just encourage the interested reader or teacher to become more interested ,but also the poor reader to realise that it is not just magic to read, to quickly understand what they are reading and why, through the simple skills and techniques.
Knowledge is power and reading can open up that world.
The book cleverly breaks down the different reasons and purposes in reading from leisure to summarising, examinations to research and perhaps today with the emphasis on high speed information gathering. The internet, e-mailing and text message information around the world at a higher speed than ever before in the English language, will create a generation of mobile, literate and highly competative people hungry to grasp the English language but at a quicker speed than ever before.
This book will not only
help those hungry to get on in their lives but encourage them to make
a mark for the future.
I thoroughly recommend this book."
Brian Almond
Teacher Trainer
Kristall International
Carmarthen, United Kingdom
"I find it very easy to understand, the language is simple and
I love your tips. I believe that it will be very useful especially for
researchers and university students. If it can be taught as a module
in schools then I believe it would encourage everybody to read, because
it makes reading far less laborious."
Norizan Mohamed Said
Former VP Business Development
Celcom Technology
"James Abela's Speed Reading book delivers a first rate package that
can be read by anybody from 12 to 80 and what's more his light-hearted
wit makes it a real page turner."
Nora Khamis
Master English Resources
"A comprehensive guide to speed reading for people of all ages.
Enables them to become more focussed and effective in their reading.
Ideas lucidly explained; readers will definitely be able to pick up and
employ the useful tips this book offers."
Anna Cherubin
Head Of Language Department
Kulim Secondary School
"My life as a working postgraduate student can best be described
as 'Time-famine'. James' speed reading techniques are valuable and practical for
managing the seemingly insurmountable reading requirements."
Loh Chang Meng
Post-graduate Student
University Malaya
"I enjoyed what I read and being able
to quickly skim and scan research materials is a skill all students need
and, of course, such an ability would benefit those taking such ‘high-stakes
tests’ as the
Phil Cozens.
Senior Lecturer
Petroleum Institute
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
"James Abela is to be commended for undertaking this task. I think
it will be very helpful to English language learners looking to improve
their reading and Internet searching abilities."
Susan W. Peters
Adjunct Assistant Professor, English for Academic Purposes
Johnson County Community College
Kansas, USA
"Easy to read and is based on good teaching principals
as well as good book design.
I think it will be good for my students. It is everything that I was
taught in
Education plus up-to-date tips for the cyberworld."
Sally Olsen
Teacher Co-ordinator
University of the Humanities
Ulaan Baator, Mongolia
"This well-written book delivers a series
of stretegies one can use to
increase the rate of reading. The title of the book speaks for itself:
Reading! It is a must read for students and teachers as the benefit of
reading is invaluable. I enjoyed the book very much!"
Shazra Abdul Wahid
English Teacher
Republic of Maldives