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Printing Sheets

  • Referencing Spreadsheet (16KB XLS)
    This excel spreadsheet has two tabs, one for typing into and one for printing, so that you can take it to the library and reference books you photocopy or read for reference. It is also compatible with Open Office.

  • Vocabulary Book Spreadsheet (18KB XLS)
    This excel spreadsheet has two tabs, one for typing into and one for printing, so that you can either print it out and write down new words or type words as you find them. It is also compatible with Open Office.

Online Software

    A handy online application, which encourages you to build up your speed using chunking.  Make sure you adjust the settings before using it with a lot of text.

  • Haluvibe
    A useful little page that you copy and paste text into, choose a speed and chunks and it then lets you read it.

  • Quick Reader
    App for Apple Devices to help you read faster. There is a free lite version for you to try.

